Material: | Zenar™ yarn loaded with graphite powder, with inert lubricant |
Construction: | Interwoven™ braid |
Abrasion Resistance: | Wear resistance of Aramid |
pH Range: | 1 – 13 |
Pressure: | 800 psi (pumps) 5000 psi (plunger pumps) |
Shaft Speed: | 2500 fpm |
Temperature Limit: | -400°F to 550°F (-240°C to 280°C) |

When strength and wear resistance are critical, PE1000
provides extended service life with virtually no sleeve
scoring. Zenar™, an exlusive fiber of Palmetto Inc., is a
breakthrough in fiber technology. With the heat dissipation
of graphite, strength of Aramid and suppleness of
weaker composites, PE1000 helps slurry handlers improve
the bottom line through energy savings, lower sleeve
wear, and longer packing life.
- Wear resistance and strength matched only by Aramid
- Nonfraying (taping the ends when cutting is not necessary)
- Excellent die-formability
- Longest service life in slurry applications
Typical Applications
Centrifugal pumps, agitators, mixers, valves, reciprocating
high-pressure plunger pumps, compressors and high-pressure
hydraulic cylinders among others. All dynamic equipment
processing aggressive abrasive slurries and/or extremely
high-pressure fluids.
How to Order
Specify: style number, size, quantity and packaging desired